
Delayed Answers Are Bigger Plans by Rebecca Stewart

Delayed Answers Are Bigger Plans by Rebecca Stewart

Delayed Answers  are Bigger Plans

Mary and Martha struggled deeply in their grief. They sent word to Jesus that their brother John, whom they knew he loved, was deathly ill.  Jesus didn’t come, and now John laid in the tomb 4 days.  

Jesus had something bigger in mind for these two sisters and their brother. It was beyond their expectations, but they didn’t know that while they waited for Him to come.

So often we get upset because we think we know what is best for those we love and ourselves.  However many times our plans do not line up with Jesus’ plans for us.  

So often we get upset because we think we know what is best for those we love and ourselves.  However many times our plans do not line up with Jesus’ plans for us.  

We need to trust Jesus whether we understand His delayed answer or not. What He has planned for us may exceed our wildest dreams.  

Jesus did a huge miracle for the two sisters and their brother by raising Lazarus from the dead.  There was no doubt in anyone’s mind Lazarus had been dead. He had been in the tomb for 4 days. When Jesus called him out of the tomb and back to life, it was clear Jesus did it.

Later at another tomb, the disciples thought everything was over for them too. Jesus had been crucified, wrapped in His death clothes, and laid in a tomb too.  Three days later, the Heavenly Father raised Jesus from the tomb. The price for our sins had been paid in full. Jesus lives, and so can we now.

Maybe it looks like the Lord is doing nothing right now. Just wait and keep trusting, because the Lord’s delay means something is waiting that only He can do. What a day of rejoicing it will be when He accomplishes His plans for us.

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