
Advent #3 Faith, Meekness, Self-Control

Advent #3 Faith, Meekness, Self-Control

December 20, 2020

    In 1940 Clarence Jordan completed a Phd in Economics.  It was his second.  The first Phd was in agriculture.  Mr. Jordan was a bright young man who could accomplish anything he set his mind to. Rejecting all offers from the private and public sectors he chose to start a farm in Georgia with the purpose of providing jobs and housing to the poor black population.  Being in the deep South his efforts were harassed from the very beginning.  Workers were threatened even attacked when in town to get supplies.  But Dr. Jordan gained his strength from his relationship with Christ and would not give up.  In 1954 the KKK decided it was time to put an end to the enterprise once and for all.  The torch-wielding townsmen  came at midnight burning buildings and beating workers.  In their wake the farm was reduced to smoldering ash.  Dr. Jordan recognized the voices of many of the men.  A judge, store-keeper, journalist and others were men Jordan spoke with when in town.  But his faith was not in the town, or the law, or even himself, but in God. So the day after the farm was burned out he set out to start planting new crops.

    Advent #3  Faith (Faithfulness), Meekness, Self-Control

    Gal 5:22,23, Eph 1:13

    The incarnation:  Faithfulness John 1:9-12; Meekness John 19:11;  Self-control  Matt 26:53

    Faith:  Believe the promises:

    John 16:33  I have overcome the world

    Mat 11:28  I will give you rest

    2 Cor 12:9  My grace is sufficient

    Phil 4:7  Peace of God will guard your heart

    Jas 1:3  The testing of your faith produces endurance

    Rom 8:28  All things work together for good for those called

    Jas 1:5  God will generously give wisdom to those who ask

    Jas 4:7  Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee

    1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins he will forgive and cleanse

    John 3:36  Believe in Jesus and have eternal life

    John 8:36  The Son will set you free

    Phil 4:19  God will meet all your needs

    Rev 3:5  The victorious have their name in the book of life


    Dr Jordan’s faith fueled his persistence and resolve to keep his farm going.  The day after the KKK raid a local journalist came to assess the damage.  Jordan recognized his voice from the previous night but said nothing as he worked the earth.  The journalist asked several questions about the attack and the state of the farm.  Finally he asked,  “Dr Jordan most of your workers have fled, all your buildings are burned and the crops destroyed.  Just how successful do you think your farm is?

    Jordan ceased hoeing the ground, looked up at the journalist and said, “About as successful as the cross. What we do here is not about success, but faithfulness.  Good day”  The farm is still going strong today.

    Heb 11:13  Can we be faithful without results?

    Luke 16:10  Can we be faithful with the little?

    Last January during the annual meeting I was questioned as to the dwindling numbers in our ministry.  If that question came up last January it will certainly be on everyone’s mind this January.  But knowing U.S. churches are running at 36% attendance right now I say we remain faithful with the little.  Did you know it is easier to find Children’s church workers when there is a bunch of kids than when there is only one?  It is easier to find Sunday school teachers when the classrooms are full?  Since that is not what we have presently, let’s resolve to remain faithful in the little.


    James 3:1-12  Control the tongue and everything else falls into line.

    I used to add my 2 cents worth in every conversation.  Now I bank my 2 cents and everybody richer because of it.

    My friend informed the whole group about a recent mistake.  When I confronted he replied, “I’m just speaking the truth man!”  Prov 17:9 is part of Christ-like meekness.


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