
Christ-Esteem and Thankfulness

Christ-Esteem and Thankfulness

November 29, 2020

    Recently I worked with  a guy with a critical spirit, he called it OCD.  When he watched me work he would point out any perceived mistakes or flaws.  At one point I had to ask, “Why don’t you wait for me in another room please.”

    When a person expends most of their energy criticizing little time is left for praise or giving of thanks.  When a person seeks to control every aspect of their environment it is difficult to notice and give thanks for other’s contributions.

    Psalm 100

    Grace:  Not getting what we deserve.  Getting what we don’t deserve.

    Deserve?  Gen 6:5, Psalm 14:1-3

    What do we get?  Acts 17:28

    God blesses us in ways obvious to us and ways not so obvious.

    Mozart wrote his first symphony at the age of 5 and a year later he was already performing before European royalty.  He wrote over 600 pieces of music.  He could hear a song just once and then go off and write it out.  What would the world be like without the music of Mozart?

    Tesla received the idea of the electric motor in a vision.  He conceived of a way to harness free, unlimited energy for all, but died before completion.  A century later many of his plans and theories are unfathomable, even to the greatest minds of our time.  What would the world be like without the alternating current electric engine?

    God blessed these men with incredible gifts, but sadly, they did not honor God, or give Him thanks?  Do you?

    Matt 7:1-5 


    Boost one’s self-image by tearing down another’s.

    We love to hear of other’s failures, because only our own success is truly sweet.


    Hurting people hurt others.

    James 2:13

    I have a friend who has a very difficult time praising people near him, or being thankful for the many blessings God has given him.  No wonder, his father has only criticized his every effort even though my friend is loaded with talent and achievements.

    If we abandon our self-esteem and embrace Christ-esteem we can break the cycle of hurt by freely praising God and others for the blessing they bring into our lives

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